Case File

Mozambique’s Hidden Debt Scandal

Ruth Rohde & Marian
Published on
October 18, 2022
(updated August 13, 2024)
The Assembleia da República of Mozambique in 2015; Image: Voice of America Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons







In 2011, Abu Dhabi Mar, a company of the Privinvest Group, proposed a project for securing Mozambique’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ, the first 200 sea miles off the coast) to the President of Mozambique. Three Mozambican firms, ProIndicus, Empresa Moçambicana de Atum (Ematum), Mozambique Asset Management (MAM), received USD $2 billion loans (given by Credit Suisse and VTB Capital on signature of the Mozambican Finance Minister) for a shared shipbuilding, fishing and maritime surveillance project from the government in 2014. Parliament was expected to guarantee the sum, but it was never consulted. Instead, a staggering USD $1.65 billion was funnelled into military and naval equipment from Privinvest, supposedly for the project’s development. What was meant to purchase fishing vessels appears to have been diverted to finance weapons instead. As a result, the project never materialised, nor did it fulfill its capabilities to “develop” the fishery within the EEZ as advertised.

The loans could not be paid back, and as investigations into the deals unfolded, international support for Mozambique retreated in 2016, resulting in a USD $265 million aid cut in 2016. The government, already struggling with currency devaluation, Islamist terror, natural disasters, and the COVID-19 pandemic, could no longer service its debts. These corrupt deals hold a great responsibility in the country’s financial downfall, and for years it seemed that Mozambique still had to pay back the money.

In July 2024 a UK court ordered Privinvest Group to pay the Mozambican state around USD $1.9 billion for debt settlement. The Mozambican civil society forum “Forum de Monitoria do Orcamento” welcomed the verdict saying it opened space for reducing the burden on Mzambicans. However, it did not comprehensively address all the social and economic effects that Mozambique had faced due to the scandal. The economic crisis caused by the deal cost the Mozambican economy an estimated USD $11-15 billion. The organization also called for any funds that are returned to be used to reduce the burden of public debt and to help invest in social sectors to improve the living conditions of Mozambicans.

Case Details

Case details

Seller country
Seller company
Privinvest Shipbuilding SAL (Holding) (PSAL), Privinvest Shipbuilding Investments LLC (PISB), Abu Dhabi Mar Investments LLC (ADM), Constructions Mécaniques de Normandie (CMN), Logistics International SAL (Offshore), Logistics International Investments LLC
Buyer country
Goods category
Aircraft, Surveillance Equipment, Warships, Intellectual Property Rights, Drones
Equipment sold

ProIndicus Project (provider: PSAL, transformed into PISB) - 16 radar stations (6 manned, 10 unmanned) - 36 DV15 interceptor vessels - 3 WP18 strike-craft vessels - 3 HSI32 offshore patrol vessels - 6 Remos GX light maritime patrol aircraft - central command and control site, training centre - satellite surveillance system - training & maintenance of all above

EMATUM Project (provider ADM) - 3 Ocean Eagle 43 Trimaran patrol vessels - and their associated camcopter drones - equipment for land operations centre - training and spare parts for the above

MAM Project (provider PISB) - maintenance, repair and assembling sites for vessels of ProIndicus & EMATUM deals. - vessel components to be delivered by PISB

Deal value
(2 billion US$ loan to 3 Mozambican firms -> debt scandal) 1,651 million US$ of which to Privinvest -> arms deal part
Sum involved in corruption
USD 713 million overbilling (whole debt scandal within the three firms, see Kroll report) 200 million US$ bribes by Privinvest towards Mozambican officials (including campaign donations to president's party) and Credit Suisse bankers (who pleaded guilty over ~USD 50 million bribes) + offsets (real estate, a new maritime agency, a diamond mine, a TV station, a bank and a prepaid mobile phone card business), payments to Mozambique’s ruling party, payments to politically exposed persons
Start year
Outcome status
Trial Closed - Some Convictions, Out of Court Settlement



  • Filipe Nyusi: current President of Mozambique, Defence Minister during time of alleged corruption

  • Armando Emilio Guebuza: Mozambican President at the time

  • Manuel Chang: Mozambican Finance Minister at the time

  • Iskandar Safa: head of Privinvest

  • Andrew Pearse, Detelina Subeva, Surjan Singh: Swiss bankers who pleaded guilty on receiving bribes

  • Jean Boustani: Chief Trader at Privinvest

  • Antonio do Rosario: Managing Director of MAM, Pro Indicus, Ematum, Director of Economic Intelligence at SISE (Mozambique’s Security and Intelligence Service)

  • Pro Indicus: Mozambique state-owned company, defence and security company to protect the Mozambican EEZ at sea, in liquidation process

  • MAM Mozambique Asset Management: Mozambique state-owned company, should offer maritime repairs, in liquidation process

  • Ematum: Mozambique partly state-owned company, fishing processing and selling of tuna, in liquidation process


Summary of Corruption Allegations

  • Alleged bribery and campaign donations by Privinvest (totalling $200 million USD), were received by Mozambican senior officials and the presidential party in order to obtain contracts for over $1.6 billion USD for military and naval equipment within a fishery development / EEZ security project
  • Of the USD $200 million in bribes, Privinvest paid the Mozambican Finance Minister at the time Manuel Chang and other Mozambican government officials more than US $150 million to ensure that the Mozambican state-owned companies Proindicus, Ematum and MAM entered into the loan arrangements and that the government of Mozambique guaranteed those loans.
  • There was a “contractor fee” to Credit Suisse bankers (who were convicted for money laundering).
  • The contracts were paid for with government guaranteed loans, which were allegedly illegal and secret (hidden debt scandal).
  • Investors including hedge funds colluded in the purchase, profit and sale of the loans through private-side placements, making significant short-term returns
  • Boustani was acquitted of all charges, including bribery, in a New York trial in 2019
  • No Mozambican or Privinvest officials were tried for corruption, although there are ongoing cases in the UK, Switzerland & Mozambique.



  • Privinvest proposes project for EEZ fishing & security to Mozambique
  • From 2013 to 2014 loans are given to ProIndicus, Ematum, MAM, with Finance Minister Chang, giving public guarantees. Only the Ematum-loan is publicly disclosed.
  • MarFrom March to August 2014 payments of $10 million USD total are made to Frelimo (presidential party) by a Privinvest subsidiary, Logistics International S.A.L. (off shore)
  • JanThe first Ocean Eagle 43 launched, subsequently all security equipment is delivered
  • The International Monetary Fund alerts the presidency that all three firms have trouble repaying
  • Since 2015: Various investigations are opened and civil suits follow on the repayment and legal status of the loans. The lack of repayment becomes national news.


Investigation Outcomes

Kroll Report 2017
  • The office of the public prosecutor of Mozambique submitted an independent audit of the loans contracted by ProIndicus EMATUM and Mozambique Asset Management (MAM) (Kroll Report). According to this report:
  • Privinvest overinflated prices by $713 million USD; $500 million USD cannot be accounted for; $200 million USD spent on fees and commissions, additionally, the report confirms the existence of “the majority” of assets in Pemba Harbour, or in dry storage in Pemba Naval Base or Maputo Sea Port, but some were not commissioned, most are not used.
Trial of Jean Boustani in USA 2019 (response to Kroll report):
  • From early 2018 the US justice system looks into the case: Allegedly, the accused had “created maritime projects that conducted in little to no legitimate business activity to funnel at least $200 million in bribes and kickbacks to themselves, Mozambican government officials and others.”
  • DecCriminal proceedings commenced in the eastern District Court of New York
  • JanJean Boustani and the 3 CS traders Andrew Pearse, Detelina Subeva, Surjan Singh are arrested
  • Credit Suisse Traders pleaded guilty for money laundering and conspiracy to violate anti-corruption laws
  • DecBoustani acquitted
Credit Suisse Settlement
  • 19 OctCredit Suisse and its subsidiary Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited (CSSEL) admitted to having defrauded investors over securities of EMATUM with authorities in the United States and the United Kingdom in the financing of the tuna fishing project. They were set to pay $474 million in penalties plus restitution.
  • 19 JulCSSEL agrees to pay investors back $22.6 million
Civil suit / arbitration by Attorney General of Mozambique in London & Geneva 2019-2024:
  • JunMozambique’s Attorney General takes up the case
  • FebMozambique sues Privinvest & Safa in separate claims in front of London High Court (ACPOC). The ultimate goal for Mozambique is to nullify the loans (which are requested to be declared illegal) and get back the money it paid to Privinvest.
  • Privinvest starts arbitration proceedings in Switzerland.
  • 8 Apr& 2020-07-30: The two London proceedings (1, 2) are joined into one and a request by Privinvest is dismissed, resulting that the civil suit may proceed even with the arbitration going on.
  • 15 JanMr. Safa files his 157 page defence at London Magistrate Court.
  • 11 MarThe London civil suit is now indeed halted until the Swiss private courts conclude over the secret arbitration Mozambique vs. Privinvest.
  • 21 MaySafa won a ruling that can hold Nyusi accountable for any damages if bribes were to be proven later.
  • 4 AugNGO (Centro do Integridade Publica & Spotlight on Corruption) complain about secrecy of arbitration at the Mozambique Supreme Court
  • 29 JanIskandar Safa dies of cancer.
  • 29 JulThe Court of Justice of England and Wales finds in favour of the Mozambican State. The court recognized that the Privinvest Group, through its leaders Iskandar Safa and Jean Boustani, had paid significant bribes to guarantee the execution of the guarantees associated with the loans from Proindicus , EMATUM and MAM. Privinvest Group is ordered to pay the Mozambican State around USD $1.9 billion.
Extradition of Mr Chang from South Africa 2019-2021:
  • DecManuel Chang is arrested in South Africa
  • MayFirst extradition request is blocked by South African courts on the basis of disputed immunity as a Mozambican Member of Parliament.
  • AugSince August to November 2021, there has been a court battle on his extradition. First he should be extradited to Mozambique. But from within Mozambique NGOs voices fears of Chang being protected by high-up friends there. The Johannesburg high court overruled that he has to be tried in the US instead.
  • JulAs of August 2022, the decision was still not final as Mozambique appealed a July 2022 decision of the South African High Court (Gauteng division) to extradite Chang to the United States.
  • JulManuel Chang is extradited to the US.
Trial of Mr Chang in the US:
  • 8 AugManuel Chang is found guilty by a Brooklyn court of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering. Chang faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison on each count. He can still appeal the verdict.
Hidden Debt Trial in Maputo:
  • Start of investigation by the Attorney General Beatriz Buchili
  • FebMozambique arrests a number of officials, including Ndambi Guebuza, the eldest son of the former president
  • AugMozambique indicts 20 people over debt-scandal, many government officials
  • 23 AugStart of trial in Maputo
  • 7 DecOf the 19 individuals charged, eight were acquitted and eleven were convicted to between 10 and 12 years in prison. Ndami Guebuza received a 12-year prison sentence.



  • Cortez et. al., “Costs and Consequences of the Hidden Debt”, Centro de Integridade Pública (CIP), 2021, [URL], last accessed 05.03.2022.

  • Deutsche Welle Moçambique, “Ematum: Mozambique hid from investors a US$622 million loan”, Club of Mozambique, 2016, [URL], last accessed 27.05.2022

  • Fabricius, Peter. 2024. “Chang Finally Convicted in Mozambique Hidden Debt Scandal.” Daily Maverick. August 9, 2024.

  • Forum de Monitoria do Orcamento. 2024. Review of A Great Victory That Does Not Close the Chapter of Criminal Liability of Those Involved. , last accessed 13.08.2024

  • High Court of Justice Business and Property Courts of England and Wales Commercial Court London, Privinvest Response, 2019,, last accessed 05.03.2022.

  • Nhamirre, “What is there left to clear up in the Hidden Debts trial?”, Centro de Integridade Pública (CIP), 2022, [URL], last accessed 05.03.2022.

  • THE REPUBLIC of MOZAMBIQUE v .CREDIT SUISSE INTERNATIONAL et Al. 2024. High Court of Justice. URL: , last accessed: 13.08.2024

  • further documents with secondary relevance to arms trade (claimants seeking to get their money from fraudulent loans back):

  • London High Court VTB Capital vs. Mozambique files at

  • Mozambique vs. Credite Suisse files at

  • further Court and Bank documents: